Dear Friends,
It is with heavy hearts that we at the PEI Writers’ Guild must announce that Wild Threads will not be presenting a literary festival on Prince Edward Island in 2020. Working with the new public health measures of no mass gatherings, we knew that we would not be able to hold our festival this year.
The good news is that most of our Wild Threads presenters that were booked for this year are still interested in joining us next year, in 2021. Thus at that time, we will be presenting a dynamic and rich pattern of panels, workshops, and community readings for you to enjoy. There will be more news on the rollout of 2021 in the weeks and months to come.
We are so thankful to our funding partners and corporate sponsors, and all friends of Wild Threads who have been contacting us to offer support. We look forward to brighter days when we will see you writing your ways to our shores again.
If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is that the writing community on Prince Edward Island and around the world is resilient. It has pushed us towards new competency, new life goals, and in some ways, a new normal.
I will close with the words of L.M. Montgomery, “Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it.”
Your truly,
Mo Duffy Cobb
Artistic Director of Wild Threads &
President, PEI Writers’ Guild